No This Isn’t Jazz Either
(including : The Attack of JBM***)
The opening segment of this extended piece has the sound and feel of a jazz trio playing at breakneck speed. “We as a band had a running joke that we were sometimes mistaken for a jazz group by non-jazz fans. There are many passages that lean in that direction certainly, but we could never be mistaken as jazz by someone who knows the genre: hence the title. The larger segment of this piece is more electronic/synth based, and was originally called “The Attack …of JBM***” It does incorporate fusion inspired ideas plus the occasional piano break, but is held together by a slightly cinematic progressive rock foundation.
Video premise: Loosely thematic montage of scenes meant to reflect the often contradictory emotional content of each passage, and tie together certain concepts from various other Antartica videos. Abstraction is key here.
The emergence and apparent importance of “JBM” is now a new thread going forward, although little is communicated in this video about it. It is clearly an acronym but for what or whom? Music is your only device. Musician action footage is included in spots.
Marc L Soucy ©2023
***Who or what JBM is has been a closely guarded secret, supposedly protected by a secret society called The Cadre of Antartica Confidantes. To this day, it remains a mystery, though investigations are ongoing.
No This Isn’t Jazz Either (including: The Attack of JBM)
by Marc L Soucy ©1982, 2023